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Membership Rules

Living Governance Document

The DAO Masons rulebook is a living document that may change significantly in response to internal governance.

Do you see a way these docs could improve? Click the Give feedback button at the top of this document or join the DAO Masons Discord to let us know.

Two Distinct Paths

As outlined in the Join DAO Masons page, there are two distinct paths for contribution within DAO Masons.


Contributors are focused primarily on building cool projects and earning. They are not committed to DAO Masons governance.

  • Contributors can work on as many DAO Masons Projects as they have capacity for.
  • Contributors cannot be Team Leads on Projects.
  • Contributors are free to build and earn as long as they like without any expectations of engaging in DAO Masons governance.
  • For Contributors who want to become a Core Member there will always be a clear and fair track for doing so.
  • There is no pay disparity between Core Members and Contributors.
    • Contributors may not hold Voting Shares within DAO Masons but they may hold Loot Shares.
    • Loot Shares expose Contributors to recurring payments from the Echo Fund
  • If a Contributor becomes a Core Member, their non-voting Loot Shares are converted to Voting Shares.
  • All Core Members must begin as Contributors, contributing to at least 3 completed projects including 1 Internal Project.

How to Become a Contributor

In order to become a contributor, you must:

  1. Join our Discord and introduce yourself in the #introductions channel.
  2. Demonstrate your skills by showing us your past work.
  3. Have a DAO Mason vouch for your skill and reliability (they are ultimately responsible for you and your work as a Contributor).
  4. Read and Sign a DAO Masons Contributor Agreement.

Core Member

Core Members also work on Projects and earn, but they are also deeply committed to DAO Masons governance.

  • Core Members are expected to gather feedback from clients and Contributors
  • Core Members are expected to participate in all DAO Governance Meetings and forum discussions. Of course, there are exceptions for vacations, illness, etc. but Core Members are expected to communicate when they are unable to attend.
  • Core Members are expected to behave with decorum and respect at all times as codified in the Core Member Agreement.
  • Core Members are expected to demonstrate an understanding of DAO Masons governance and are screened through the Ritual of Acumen.
  • Only Core Member can be Project Leads.
  • Core Members receive Voting Shares and can vote on DAO Masons governance proposals.

Promotion: Becoming a Core Member

The process where a Contributor becomes a Core Member is called a Promotion. In order to be promoted to Core Member, a Contributor must:

  1. Contribute to at least 3 completed projects including 1 Internal Project under the Contributor Member Track.
  2. Acquire an active DAO Mason core member as a Sponsor
  3. Complete the Ritual of Acumen
  4. Complete the Ritual of Oaths
  5. Be voted in by the DAO Masons Core Members using this template

Once a contributor has been promoted, they are a full DAO Masons Core Member and can vote on all DAO Masons governance decisions. Any loot they have earned through contributions to DAO Masons will be converted to voting shares.


A DAO Masons Core Member has a set of responsibilities and expectations. If a Core Member is not meeting these expectations, they may be demoted to Contributor status.

Here are some of the reasons why a Core Member may be demoted:

  • Planned leave: If a DAO member plans to a leave for an extended period of time (30 days +), and they can no longer be active for governance meetings, then they should be temporarily demoted to contributor status. This is a way to ensure that DAO governance is secure and efficient. It is not a reflection on the Core Member's performance, and when this member returns, they can be promoted back to Core Member.

  • Inactivity: If a Core Member is not active in DAO governance (without explanation), they should be demoted to Contributor status. Again, this is done to ensure that DAO can govern effectively without having to wait on inactive participants. If the inactive member wishes to return, they DAO can vote to promote them back to Core Member status.

  • Unethical behavior: If a Core Member is found to be engaging in unethical behavior, they should be demoted to Contributor status. Generally, 'unethical behavior' is defined as any behavior that is in breach of their Core Member agreement Ritual of Oaths. If this is the reason for demotion, the proposal to demote should include references to this behavior in the Demotion Proposal.

  • Project Abandonment: We fully expect all core members to complete any projects they commit to. If a Core Member abandons a project, they should be demoted to Contributor status.

  • Bad Faith: If a Core Member is found to be acting in bad faith (ex. trying to steal funds), they should be demoted to Contributor status. Anyone who has been demoted because of bad faith should be banned from the DAO.


  • We should never remove a members shares, only convert them to loot. This is to ensure the integrity of the DAO rewards system. Of course, a member or contributor can always rage quit their DAO tokens at any time.
  • Demotions requests should be met with a high degree of scrutiny and discussion.
  • In cases of planned leave, we should always welcome the member back when they return.
  • Demotion requests should include as much evidence/references as possible. Especially in cases of bad faith, it is important to have a clear record of the behavior that led to the demotion.

Leaving the DAO

  • You can Rage Quit - all Shares are burned and you receive a proportion of the DAO Treasury.
  • Core Members can take leave by converting their Voting Shares to Loot Shares
  • You can be removed from the DAO by a majority vote (RageKick). In this case Voting Shares are changed to Loot Shares.

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Current State of This Page

  • Empty
  • Rough Draft
  • Editing passes: 2
  • Final Draft
  • Ratified