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Core DAO vs. Project DAOs

Living Governance Document

The DAO Masons rulebook is a living document that may change significantly in response to internal governance.

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Core DAO

The Core DAO is the main DAO that is responsible for the overall governance and direction of the DAO Masons. They are responsible for managing:

  • Treasury
  • Brand
  • Rules and operating procedure
  • Project DAOs
  • Membership (Promotions, Demotions, etc.)

Only Core Members can make decisions for the Core DAO, and they are beholden to a strict code of conduct to make sure that these decisions are made quickly and soundly.

How are Voting Shares Earned?

Voting Shares are earned through work by a Core Member on an Internal Project. Internal Projects are Projects where DAO Masons itself is the client. Contributors can earn Loot Shares while working on an Internal Project. If they are promoted to Core Member, Loot Shares are converted to Voting Shares.

The amount of shares earned is determined by the Ritual of Light.

Project DAOs

For every project that the DAO Masons takes on, a Project DAO is created. These projects include work we take on for clients, internal projects for DAO Masons, and even ongoing operations within DAO Masons.

Project DAOs are created by passing a Project Proposal through the Core DAO. Every project has a Project Lead that is ultimately responsible for the project's success. Both Core Members and Contributors can participate in Project DAOs.

Project DAOs are designed to be stream-lined and efficient as possible. For that reason, we've chosen to delegate much of the project-scoped decision-making power to the Project Lead guided by the Decision Making Process.

Current State of This Page

  • Empty
  • Rough Draft
  • Editing passes: 1
  • Final Draft
  • Ratified