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Promotion Template

This template is used to promote a Contributor to Core Member. This template is reviewed by the DAO and approved or denied. If approved, the template becomes the agreement that the DAO uses to promote the Contributor.

Promotion results in any non-voting loot shares to be converted to voting shares.

# Promotion Proposal

### Proposer

- **Submitted By:** Name or pseudo of the person submitting the proposal
- **Date:**

### Applicant

- **Applicant:** Name of the individual applying for promotion
- **Applicant's Address:** Address of the individual applying for promotion
- **Applicant's Loot Shares:** Link to core DAO displaying applicant's total amount of loot in the DAO Masons core DAO.

### Sponsor

- **Sponsor:** Name of the individual sponsoring the promotion

### Proof of Work

- **3 Projects:**
(Links to three DAO Masons project that the applicant has successfully completed as a contributor, including 1 internal DAO Masons project).
- **Completion of Ritual of Acumen:**
(Link to the applicant's completed Ritual of Acumen)
- **Completion of Ritual of Oaths:**
(Link to the applicant's completed Ritual of Oaths)

### Additional Information/Considerations