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Tools of the Trade

  • When a prospective member is preparing their Core Member Agreement they must create a unique Commitment Portfolio Each DAO member should specify their "Tools of the Trade " and their relationship to each.

Below are the Tools of the Trade that all Core Members must have a relationship to. Each member must add the required clauses to their Core Member Agreement and a specific commitment in relation to that clause.

Tools of the Trade:

1) Deep Work

  • Required Clause: "Deep Work is defined as a period of uninterrupted focus toward 1 definite aim, documented before and after with both intention and result. Periods of uninterupted Deep Work are the bricks we use to build our empire. I will regularly and reliably perform deep work toward definite aims in alignment with my DAO Masons focus commitment."
  • Sample Commitment: "I commit to two, 45 minute deep work sessions each day toward one of my Outcome Oriented Projects"

2) Outcome Oriented Projects

  • Required Clause: "Defining projects according to desired outcome improves chances of success. A project named "Grant Application" is less likely to succeed that one named "Grant Application Final Draft is submitted to colleagues. I commit to defining my projects in terms of desired outcomes."
  • Sample Commitment: "I commit to having my work broken down into Outcome Oriented Project descriptions at the end of each day and entered into my Trusted System.

3) Trusted Systems & Project Management

  • Sample Commitment: "I understand that having a personal 'trusted system' outside of my head helps with organization & follow through. Defining my Trusted System, such as the provided by David Allen in his book Getting Things Done, or describing my own gives structure to a week's work. I commit to having a 'Trusted System' where I keep track of my Outcome Oriented Projects, each with a clear "next action" that indicates my next work step."
  • Sample Commitment: "I commit to performing a weekly review of my trusted system including my projects, projects and goals."